Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Check out #MFRWHooks for Counterfeits: #Romance and #Suspense in New Mexico

Counterfeits is romantic suspense in the Southwest that will interest fans of Terry Odell, Mary Stewart, Lillian Stewart Carl, and Barbara Michaels. 

Counterfeits is the kind of romantic suspense novel I have enjoyed since I first read Mary Stewart’s Moonspinners…. 5 Stars” – Roberta at Sensuous Reviews

Counterfeits Excerpt:

Jenny slipped from the room and down the hall. She paused at the top of the stairs, which were open to the living room on one side. She had to figure out where the intruders were, so she didn’t walk right into their arms. She stood taut, senses straining.

A screech sounded, maybe a chair leg on tile, and then kitchen cabinets clattered open and closed. The kitchen was as far away as they could get from the front door. But were they both – or all, if there were more than two – back there?

What choice did she have? If they kept going through the house, eventually they would find her. She refused to think about what that might mean. She had to get out.

She crept partway down the stairs, sliding one hand along the banister for balance as she craned her neck to search the room below. Nothing moved in the dim living room, but light spilled down the hallway from the kitchen. She thought she heard two voices back there.

Jenny took a breath and held it. She had to go now.

She ran lightly down the stairs. By the time she hit the bottom, she’d reached full speed. The door was slightly ajar. She wrenched at it and hurled herself through. She swung around the door, pulling it nearly shut behind her to hide the sign of her exit. She had one moment to glance toward the back of the house before the door closed. Nothing but the light showed that something was wrong.

Jenny spun around and took one big step away from the house – and slammed into a hard body.

Available on Amazon. Free via KU.
Romantic Suspense
Heat level: PG (a few sensual scenes)
Violence level: PG (fights, no torture or murder)
212 pages/65,000 words

Kris Bock writes novels of suspense and romance with outdoor adventures and Southwestern landscapes. Whispers in the Dark features archaeology and intrigue among ancient Southwest ruins. What We Found is a mystery with strong romantic elements about a young woman who finds a murder victim in the woods.

The Mad Monk’s Treasure follows the hunt for a long-lost treasure in the New Mexico desert. In The Dead Man’s Treasure, estranged relatives compete to reach a buried treasure by following a series of complex clues. In The Skeleton Canyon Treasure, sparks fly when reader favorites Camie and Tiger help a mysterious man track down his missing uncle.

Read excerpts at or visit her Amazon pageSign up for the Kris Bock newsletter for announcements of new books, sales, and more.


  1. Exciting. Who is the hard body? More danger for her?

  2. Oops! lol Makes you want to read more!

  3. I agree with Kayelle. Definitely makes you want to find out more.

  4. I did that once - slammed into a hard body - a professional hockey player - it hurt - me - I don't think he felt anything.
    Great little hook - who is the hard body she hit.

  5. Out of the frying pan and into the fire, it seems.

  6. Oh, no! Great hook. Great review quotes, too - congrats.
